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We are FUP!​


It stands for 'F**k You, Pestilence!'


This is just a daft way of saying that we, the Good Omens fandom/family/community/fiends aren't going to let old Pestilence come out of retirement in the form of the coronavirus pandemic stop us from taking care of each other and having a bloody good time either. This situation is affecting everyone, all across the world. Many of us are out of work, in isolation, scared about our loved ones getting sick. Some of us on twitter thought that it was time for us to pull together and do what this fandom does best - spread love, creativity and support.


So we've set this up as a page of information, to pull together all the activities planned by fans over the next while, to provide information on support and activities available during quarantine, and to have somewhere where our fellow fans could come for support and help. 


Isolation activities for our community is one side.


Support for our community is the other. Information about ways to support our fellow angels and demons through GoFundMes, Ko-Fis, Patreons etc. is on the Support page. We also have a GO SOS contact, where anyone needing help can contact us and we'll help spread the word, help set up ways to donate or other support needed. Through this we launched The Little Demonic Miracle Fund, offering a way for fans to help other fans financially. Check it out here.


And we're not affiliated with Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Amazon Prime or the BBC, we're just fans trying to help out.

Our Mission
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